
Alberto Cabas Vidani

I've been publishing content nonstop since 2010. I offer holistic and practical strategies to be prolific and build your content business even when life gets in the way.

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How to choose Medium publications TODAY

Hi, Submitting your stories to Medium publications has always been the wisest move to increase your reach. It's mandatory when you're just starting out. But most top writers still use publications. When I started in 2022, I got accepted into the larger publications in my niche and always submitted to them. But the Boost has changed this. What's the relationship between the Boost and publications? Publication editors can apply to become nominators. They can nominate any article published on...

For every new creator, overwhelm is behind the corner. There are so many things to do. But you don’t know what the priority is. So you do a bit of everything. This is the best way to halt your progress, get discouraged, and quit. I’ve been a creator for 13+ years. I talked with dozens of creators. I also coached and consulted with them. I’ve seen the ways they waste their efforts and let their dreams drift away. Here’s a list of things you can safely avoid to focus on what matters. Web...

Hello! You're reading Systems Saturday, the weekly email with realistic tactics to be creatively productive. Today, the outsized results you gain by sacrificing some time to get to know your platform. SPONSOR The most efficient way to read newsletters When you read one newsletter, you read 100 newsletters. Right? I'm not the only one, I hope! My inbox is a mess of personal and work emails, notifications and newsletters. Meco is the app tidying things up. It allows me to separate newsletters...

Last year, for a month, my follower growth on Medium exploded. Unfortunately, I had to reduce the frequency of publication, so it returned to normal levels after about a month. Talking with other writers, I learned this can happen on the platform. If you continue to strike while the iron is hot, you can also keep it going. It’s a “feature” of Medium’s algorithm. Today, let me share with you how to exploit it. How Medium recommends authors and articles Medium recommends authors and articles in...

Hi, you're reading Medium Mondays. In this newsletter, I share with you the in-depth lessons I learn by writing on Medium, studying articles and constantly talking with writers, editors and Boost nominators. This week, an analysis of my earnings, to see how much more you can earn with the Boost. Enjoy! The Boost is driving Medium writers crazy. My articles have been selected a bunch of times. Every time I received that magic notification email, I fist-pumped and screamed “yes!”. But the...

Hello! You're reading Systems Saturday, the weekly email with realistic tactics to be creatively productive. Today, let's see how I wasted $2000 buying courses... and how you can save them instead. SPONSOR The most efficient way to read newsletters When you read one newsletter, you read 100 newsletters. Right? I'm not the only one, I hope! My inbox is a mess of personal and work emails, notifications and newsletters. Meco is the app tidying things up. It allows me to separate newsletters from...

Hi, you're reading Medium Mondays. In this newsletter, I share with you the in-depth lessons I learn by writing on Medium, studying articles and constantly talking with writers, editors and Boost nominators. This week, what I learned from multiple authors making $1000+ each month with very few (or no) Boosts. Enjoy! Gone are the days when you could earn thousands of dollars every month on Medium. Today, you can be proud if you make $1,000. Boosted articles on Medium earn between 4 to 10 times...

Hello! You're reading Systems Saturday, the weekly email with realistic tactics to be creatively productive. Today, a behind the scenes of my current writing process, aiming at writing fast, but also producing original insights. Recently, I made a couple of changes to my writing process that make me feel more productive, give me more satisfaction, and are hopefully improving the quality of my ideas. I’m also regularly using AI, not to generate content, but to save time in a way I’ll show you...

Hi, you're reading Medium Mondays. In this newsletter, I shared with you the in-depth lessons I learn by writing on Medium, and constantly talking with writers, editors and Boost nominators. This week, a behind the scenes on one of Medium's top authors: Neeramitra Reddy. Enjoy! Neeramitra Reddy has been very successful Medium author for a long time. His articles are widely read. He received 25 boosts. As an editor of the Medium publication In Fitness and In Health, he has nominated more than...

Hello! You're reading Systems Saturday, the weekly email with realistic tactics to be creatively productive. Today, practical steps to convince yourself you'll never run out of ideas (and to generate endless ideas). SPONSOR Learn how to get the right sponsors If you have an audience, there is a sponsor wanting to pay you. Creator wizard probably is the best resource to learn how to find and convert sponsors. Click below to subscribe for free. Get Sponsored Recently, an author I follow asked...